
Thursday 24 September 2020

Times table Challenge.


Epic Activity.

Response to text Thursday.

 Bermuda Triangle Scientific Theory - Questions

Please read the article on Antarctica here before answering the questions.

Outrageous Theories

1) Some people believe that ________

a) Aliens have abducted ships b) Mr Goodwin abducted the ships

c) Chickens have abducted ships d) They believe nothing

2) What do people think that the energy crystals do to ships and planes? 

a) Make them navitage straight b) Make them navigate backwards

c) Confuse the controls on ships and planes d) They do nothing

Humans make mistakes

3) What is one thing scientists believe? 

a) Humans never make mistakes b) The ships and planes fly themselves

c) Humans make mistakes d) Nothing, they believe nothing. 

4) What do scientists think happened to the ships and planes?

a) The were accidentally sunk b) They ran away from the captain

c) They were taken by aliens d) Mr Goodwin steals them all

Weather Conditions

5) There are often what in the Bermuda Triangle? 

a) Wild weather patterns b) Aliens roaming around

c) Sharks attacking ships d) Calm seams 

6) What kind of forces do scientists believe can disrupt the compass? 

a) Radio b) Magnetic 

c) Chocolate d) Let the Force be with you

7) What can the magnetic forces do?

a) Disrupt people dancing b) Disrupt people sleeping

c) Disrupt the controls and radios d) Nothing at all.

Every Day Travel

8) What happens every day in the Bermuda Triangle?

a) Animals put on shows b) People swim through it 

c) Nothing at all happens d) Ships and planes travel over it 

9) What strengthens the theories of scientists?   

a) The weather b) Mr Goodin’s claims

c) Every day travel d) Disney Land

Opinion - What do you think about the Bermuda Triangle?

Write here it called be scary.

Supported Fill in the gaps.


Supported Response To Text.


4 Facts - Thursday.


Wednesday 23 September 2020

Design a flag for the Bermuda Triangle


Response to text.

 Bermuda Triangle Story - Questions

Please read the article on Antarctica here before answering the questions.

Flight 19

1) When did Flight 19 disappear?

a) December 5, 1947 b) December 4, 1945

c) December 21, 1945 d) December 5, 1945

2) How many bomber planes went missing first? 

a) 1 b) 7

c) 5 d) none of them went missing

3) Where did Flight 19 depart from? 

a) Puerto Rico b) New Zealand

c) Florida d) Bermuda

Miami Cruiser

4) When did the Miami Cruiser disappear? 

a) December 22, 1867 b) December 22, 1967 

c) December 23, 1967 d) December 22, 1977 

5) How many minutes did it take for the coast guard to reach the location? 

a) 20 minutes b) 12 minutes

c) 19 minutes d) 21 minutes

6) Did they ever find the ship?

a) Yes after 3 days b) Yes after 3 years

c) Yes after 18 minutes d) No they never saw it again

USS Cyclops

7) When did the USS Cyclops go missing? 

a) March 1918 b) October 1918

c) April 1918 d) It never went missing

8) How many crew were on board? 

a) None b) 209

c) 307 d) 309

9) The captain of the ship _______?

a) Called for help 100 times b) Radioed for help 

c) Never sent a distress call d) Had a party 

10) According to your reading more than how many ships and planes have gone missing in the Bermuda Triangle?   

a) 700 b) 150

c) 275 d) 100

4 Facts - Wednesday.


4 Facts - Tuesday.


Supported Fill in the gaps.